Fashion Food for the Soul



Fashion Food for the Soul is the brainchild of owner/designer Mindy Migedt — a young, creative solopreneur invested in designing fashions that inspire the wearers. Mindy’s first line of inspirational scarves launched in 2013 and the brand has been growing ever since. While there was already an established website with e-commerce functionality, the site did not express the brand as Mindy had originally envisioned. My complete brand redesign built on the existing logo concept (a mannequin wrapped with a scarf) to create a more clean, modern and feminine look. The website redevelopment utilized the new branding in an updated layout with styled photos and featured product as the main focus. The overall look and feel of the new brand is fresh, modern and fun  — just like Mindy’s scarves.

[post_info title=”Categories:”]Logo, Brand, Website, Stationary, Email, Marketing Collateral[/post_info]
[post_info title=”Client:”]Fashion Food 4 the Soul[/post_info]
[post_info title=”Link:”][/post_info][/post_info_set]


[three-fourth last]

FF4tS-White iPad MockUp_web



